SALVE References
Overview on global interest in SALVE microscopy: Web server and citation statistics
An analysis of publications in AC-LV-TEM, shown under 'publications' and visitors here on this website revealed that a large number of global active institutions in LV AC-TEM have either visited the SALVE website, or cited SALVE publications (Fig. 1). This figure shows the high level of awareness of the SALVE project.

Figure 1. Number of institutions that visited this website (inner ring) and visited this website or cited SALVE publications (outer ring) for several regions.
Detailed analysis of global hot-spots in LV-AC-TEM based on scientific visitors of the SALVE website
Detailed information about the scientific visitors of the SALVE website is presented in Fig. 2-4 in the form of 24 selected hot-spots regions, which may be transnational. Total visits are given as well as the number of institutional and public domains. The interest of the hot-spots is given with the colored legend for the total number of visits. Red color corresponds to a total number of visits with a value of more than 400, in contrast to dark grey color, which corresponds to no visits.
Figure 2 shows the European distribution of website-visits, the number of institutional and public domains. The highest interest in Europe has Germany (625), followed by United Kingdom (162), France (112), Austria (105), Netherlands (102), Spain (66), Italy (51), Belgium (35), and Russia (34). The values of total visits include a lower value of total number of visits from institutions and public domains. Red colored country Germany has the highest number of institutional (90) and public (50) domains, followed by United Kingdom (institutional 30; public 36), France (institutional 23; public 19), Netherlands (institutiona l8; public 14), Austria (institutional 9; public 10), Spain (institutional 11; public 12), Italy (institutional 11; public 13), Russia (institutional 5; public 23), and Belgium (institutional 4; public 15). The interest of the other European countries is color-ranked and shown in the same map. The total number of visits from Europe is 1394.
Figure 3 shows global, northern hemisphere distribution of website-visits, the number of institutional and public domains. The highest interest in the northern hemisphere has the European Union (1307), followed by United States (468), Japan (252), China (and Hong Kong) (139), India (north) (83), South Korea (60), Taiwan (51), and Israel (21). The values of total visits include a lower value of total number of visits from institutions and public domains. Red colored European Union has the highest number of institutional (218) and public (235) domains, followed by United States (institutional 93; public 56), Japan (institutional 24; public 21 ), India (north) (institutional 13; public 27), China (institutional 17; public 26), South Korea (institutional 15; public 12), Taiwan (institutional 11; public 8), and Israel (institutional 2; public 7). The interest of the other countries is color-ranked and shown in the same map. The total number of visits from the northern hemisphere is 2581 (excluding Mexico).
Figure 4 shows global, southern hemisphere distribution of website-visits, the number of institutional and public domains. The highest interest in the southern hemisphere has India (south) (54), followed by Brazil (32), Mexico (31), Malaysia/Singapore (27), Australia (21), Philippines (11), Thailand (10), and South Africa (6). The values of total visits include a lower value of total number of visits from institutions and public domains. Orange colored region India (south) has the highest number of institutional (10) and public (11) domains, followed by Australia (institutional 7; public 5), Mexico (institutional 6; public 10), Malaysia/Singapore (institutional 5; public 15), South Africa (institutional 3; public 2), Brazil (institutional 2; public 9), Philippines (institutional 1; public 7), and Thailand (institutional 1; public 5). The interest of the other countries is color-ranked and shown in the same map. The total number of visits from the southern hemisphere is 219.
For more information about global research activities in aberration-corrected low-voltage transmission electron microscopy, see on our website here.